






The Panthers Library

To Your Virtual Learning Commons 

Members of our learning community:
locate information,
and construct new knowledge




******Student Survey*******

Celebrate Black History Month!

Click here to vote for the movie choice!

Read the Panther Post, our school's monthly digital newsletter!


Purple Hibiscus

Click the image above to access the homepage for the Baltimore County Public Library
Be sure to have your library card barcode on hand to access content.

           Your school's library calendar
Click the image above to see what events are going on in your library.

Use this link to access the student log 



Click above to learn what its all about!


















   Check out our Lighthouse Journey Reflections!


 Digital Sports Newsletter

Conduct Research


Celebrating Black History Month at PHS!



Learn more about the BCPS Instructional

Digital Conversion

Two PHS students &



InstructionalDigitalConvers HD from Baltimore County Public Schools on Vimeo.





Find Us On The Web 









This is just the Home Page of the wiki. There are numerous pages to this wiki.  Use the SideBar on your right, to find additional pages.  In addition to our school website, you will be using this site a lot, so make sure to bookmark it!  First, let's look at some navigation tips.  When you click on underlined links, you will go to new pages.  Any time you feel lost, just click on Home in the SideBar on the right hand side of this page and you will be taken back to this page, where you can start over again.  Don't worry;  in the beginning, you will probably make a few circles over and over again. adopted from:

So, what is a wiki?



 * a web site that can be edited by any reader. Wikis offer the opportunity to share knowledge and information...
 * is a website that allows multiple users to create, modify and organize web page content in a collaborative manner.   


Watch this video to learn more about a wiki:


A word about videos....I will use a lot of videos.   Also, there will be some resources you will not be able to access at school, because they are blocked by the BCPS Filter. You will need to access these resources at home.











Connect with the Baltimore County Public Library 

Your school library has a partnership with your local public library!  Being a BCPS students means an automatic account with BCPL!  Mrs. Meltzer has created cards with students BCPS ID#s on them as a reminder that this is their BCPL account number.  The password is 0000.  Please see Mrs. Meltzer to get one if you have not already recieved it.  Additionally, we share events such as book club meetings and BCPL librarians can even visit classes to share resources .  Click the image below to access the BCPL website which is packed with valuable resources.

What is a QR Code?

SmartPhones and QR Codes

Watch this video to learn more about QR Codes.



QR Code generator

Panthers Library


QR Code generator

Panthers Library


QR Code generator

Panthers Library

YouTube Channel



How does reading impact Lebron James?
Watch the video to the right to find out! 




Leading with Literacy at PHS!




Learn more about Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Award



SAIL Card Applications are here, apply today!


Image Attribution:


1 "The Virtual Learning Commons replaces the library web page which has always been a one-way form of communication between librarians and their patrons. The Virtual Learning Commons aims to create a giant school-wide conversation where students, classroom teachers, teacher librarians, teacher technologists, administrators, other school specialists, and parents are creating and constructing a giant information space, work space, and museum." - Loertscher, David V. (San Jose State University) "The Virtual Learning Commons «." School Libraries. 6 June 2009. Web. 05 May 2010. . ▲ 


Image Source: Summer Reading -

Image Source: Dig into Reading - 


Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator

Independent Research Symposium



Comments (1)

KimberlyS said

at 11:23 am on Nov 7, 2011

I like this site because it gives out alot of helpful resources so it can help us on what books we might like to read. The one site that i like is book finder because it have a book list of books you might read and like. So that was pne of the source site that is helpful.

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